Individual and Organizational Consequences of Occupational Stress: Implications for Policy and Practice
Stress, Occupational Stress, Individual, OrganisationAbstract
One important part of our life which causes a great deal of stress is work. Indeed, stress has dire consequences on the individual worker and the organisation as it undermines the achievement of targeted goals or productivity of both individuals and the organisation. This paper presents a synthesis of empirical evidence on sources, individual and organizational consequences, and intervention strategies for occupational stress. We conducted an extensive literature review through Web of Science, PsycInfo, ERIC, MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, and Google scholar databases, focusing on workplace stress in diverse work environments. The review indicated that occupational stress poses enormous psychological, physical and economic challenges to the worker as well as the economic and reputational consequences to the organisation, with ripple effects on family members of stress victims and society at large. Implications of the findings for university administrative staff and management are proffered. It is, therefore, hoped that the paper would add to the existing knowledge and sensitize administrators and other personnel to take steps to reduce stress and implement appropriate intervention strategies to enhance the well-being and productivity of workers.
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