Teacher Instructional Scaffolding Improves Psychological Capital of Learners and Boosts their Self-Regulated Learning Capacities
Psychological Learning Resources, Students’ Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Engaged Learning, Learning OptimismAbstract
The present paper investigated psychological capital as an intervening variable that explains how teacher instructional scaffolding accounts for self-regulated learning of senior high school students in a cross-sectional survey. Data were obtained with adapted standardised scales from a sample of 455 (192 males and 263 females) senior high students from 15 public schools and analysed with partial least squares structural equation modelling. The results indicated that instructional scaffolding positively predicted both psychological capital and self-regulated learning of the students. Psychological also positively predicted self-regulated learning, and partially mediated the relationship between instructional scaffolding and self-regulated learning. We therefore concluded that instructional scaffolding and psychological capital are critical for the development of self-regulated learning capabilities of students in senior high schools. In light of this, we recommend, among others, that senior high school teachers should be trained and empowered in the use of scaffolding strategies in their interaction with students to enhance their psychological capital and self-regulate in their learning.
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