Impact of Psychosocial Work Environment on Job Performance of Senior Staff Administrators
Work Environment, Psychosocial Work Environment, Job Performance, Staff AdministratorsAbstract
A variety of factors, including the psychosocial work environment can influence an organisation's production level. An employee's job performance can be high or low depending on the working environment. Using correlational research design, the impact of the psychosocial work environment (task demand, role clarity, degree of freedom, job happiness, and performance feedback) on senior staff administrative workers' job performance (contextual and task performance) on the UCC campus was explored in this study. Preliminary analysis showed that Males were 58 and females were 50. The relationship between the variables was investigated using the correlational research design. The data was analysed using the Pearson moment correlation and independent sample t-test. The results revealed a statistically significant relationship between psychosocial work environment and job performance r (106) =.59, p<.01). The results also indicated that males and females differed in the psychosocial work environment t (106) = -3.34, p<.01). Employers should strive to create a humane working atmosphere free of stress, and threats, and danger. Employers must also provide the necessary resources to assist employees in improving their job performance.
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