Technology Acceptance Model in Islamic Education (TAMISE) for Digital Learning: Conceptual Framework Proposal
Digital Learning, Islamic Education, TAM, Higher Education, Technology AcceptanceAbstract
Digital learning has become crucial to all education systems, particularly after the pandemic eruption. However, accepting digital technologies among students and teachers in Islamic education remains challenging. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a well-known model that explains digital technology acceptance among users. This conceptual study aims to suggest a theoretical model that integrates TAM with perceived Islamic education compatibility and perceived digital self-efficacy variables, known as Technology Acceptance Model in Islamic Education (TAMISE). The review of related studies involved searching relevant literature published in various databases, including Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus. Documents analysis resulted in the conceptual model. The proposed TAMISE model is a conceptual model that integrates the TAM model with perceived Islamic education values to provide a framework for digital learning acceptance in Islamic education. The model suggests that perceived usefulness, perceived Islamic education compatibility, perceived ease of use, perceived digital self-efficacy, and behavioral intention will predict digital learning acceptance in the Islamic education context. The TAMISE model can guide researchers and practitioners in designing and implementing effective digital learning acceptance in Islamic education.
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