Digital Learning Acceptance in Islamic Education: Validity and Reliability Testing of the Modified Technology Acceptance Model
Islamic Education, Digital Technology, Technology Acceptance, CFA, Higher Education, TAM, Digital LearningAbstract
Digital technologies (DT) have revolutionised various sectors, including education. In Islamic education, integrating DT can potentially enhance the teaching and learning processes. However, incorporating these technologies into Islamic education requires careful consideration due to the unique nature of the subject matter and cultural sensitivities. Thus, this pilot study assessed the validity and reliability of the TAMISE (Technology Acceptance Model in Islamic Education) through confirmatory factor and composite analyses. The TAMISE framework extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with perceived Islamic education compatibility to address the acceptance of digital technologies in Islamic education. The study employed a survey questionnaire administered to a sample (N = 65) of Islamic education students from Indonesia and Malaysia. The data collected were analysed using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and confirmatory composite analysis (CCA). The results indicated that the TAMISE model demonstrated adequate validity and reliability, thus supporting its applicability as a theoretical model for understanding digital technology adoptions in Islamic educational systems. Furthermore, the findings theoretically contribute to Islamic education and technology acceptance by providing insights into factors influencing students' adoption and use of digital technologies.
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