Writing in English as A Foreign Language: How Literary Reading Helps Students Improve Their Writing Skills: A Descriptive Study


  • Zanyar Nathir Ghafar National Institute of Technology, Iraq
  • Akam Azad Mohamedamin Soran University, Iraq




Writing Abilities, literature Role, EFL Students, Challenges, Strategies, Academic Writing


Writing has long been recognized as a crucial ability in acquiring English. In contrast to the need to communicate using active English, passive English is crucial in getting the point through. It is not just intended to discuss any issue while writing to examine our passive English. Writing is a productive activity in this situation. While all abilities are crucial for language learning, academic and professional groups undoubtedly require writers the most. It is an essential medium for the writer to communicate his or her emotions, thoughts, and arguments. Writing in a language that one is unfamiliar with is difficult when learning the English language. Even though writing is essential for learning a foreign language, due to its complexity, it may be difficult for both students and teachers. For learners to succeed, they need to be mentored and supported; furthermore, teachers are supposed to provide the necessary tools for achieving the learning objectives. Therefore, this review article highlights the significance of writing and how literary reading works help EFL students improve their writing skills. The study suggests and focuses on identifying writing abilities and how employing literature in teaching writing may boost student learning (EFL).


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How to Cite

Ghafar, Z. N., & Mohamedamin, A. A. (2022). Writing in English as A Foreign Language: How Literary Reading Helps Students Improve Their Writing Skills: A Descriptive Study . Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 2(6), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.53103/cjess.v2i6.81


