Centring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voices and Ways of Knowing, Being and Becoming in Fully Online Undergraduate Health Course Curriculum Development
Aboriginal Health Education, Cultural Safety, Curriculum Decolonisation, Online Learning, Health Professions EducationAbstract
In this paper, we discuss the decolonisation of curriculum development in an online undergraduate health course at the University of South Australia, emphasising the importance of centring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices and knowledge systems. We highlight the ongoing role of higher education in perpetuating systemic racism against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through colonised curricula and inadequate cultural training. We discuss how we embarked on a comprehensive course redesign aimed at fostering cultural safety and empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, moving away from deficit-based narratives. Through our work, we advocate for integrating Indigenous knowledges across health education to prepare graduates for culturally safe practice. In the paper, we discuss challenges faced, such as institutional constraints and the need for ongoing anti-racism education. We emphasise the importance of collaborative efforts between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous academics in curriculum development, creating space for meaningful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders and knowledge holders. Ultimately, we conclude that ongoing reflection and adaptation are crucial for effective decolonisation and in creating inclusive and culturally responsive learning experiences that benefit all health students.
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