Educational Hegemony: Angloshperic Education Institutions and the Potential of Organic Intellectuals
Hegemony, Gramsci, Organic Intellectuals, Traditional Intellectuals, University, Education, Radicalism, Academic ActivismAbstract
In this paper we discuss the concept of educational hegemony, where education systems serve to reproduce the dominant ideology and culture of the ruling class. We draw on Gramsci’s theories of hegemony and the distinction between traditional and organic intellectuals. We advance that education has pivoted towards developing human capital for capitalism, rather than developing human capabilities. We explore how capitalism is facing crises around inequality, environmental degradation, and financial instability and discuss how education continues to normalise these crises in capitalism and dismiss systemic critiques, conditioning human thought through its influence over major institutions. We discuss how social justice initiatives in higher education often fail to foster real change, as they are assimilated into existing capitalist structures. Instead, we advocate for approaches that cultivate critical thinking, exposing students to diverse perspectives, and encourage community activism to challenge hegemonic power structures. Ultimately, we call for radical transformations in education to empower students as organic intellectuals and foster counter-hegemonic thought.
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