The Use of Digital Technology as Part of the Consolidation of Lexical Memorization in Languages: The Ankara University Private Foundation & Anatolian High School (ANKU) in Ankara
Digital Technology, Lexical Memorization, Ankara University Private, Anatolian High School, AnkaraAbstract
Through this study of the lexicon in learning English as a foreign language, we see that learning the lexicon is a sine qua non for learners since it is thanks to it that they will access effective communication. Also, the integration of digital technology in the teaching-learning of languages is not new, but the web and the great diversity of tools that are increasingly easy to use seem to have had an accelerating effect. So, this research took place in The Ankara University Private Foundation & Anatolian High School (ANKU) in Ankara for the use of digital technology in the context of consolidating lexical memorization in languages. Based on this research, we will ask the question of the effectiveness of memory replays via digital technology in the context of a consolidation of lexical memorization in the medium term versus the use of paper supports. The experiment was carried out in an establishment whose students mainly have a relatively high socio-economic profile. This is a Secondary class, with heterogeneous levels. We will highlight here the fact that in English lessons, students have used the Socrative online exerciser on several occasions since the start of the year on a computer in the computer room for formative assessments (as training and self -evaluation) preceding summative evaluations on paper and that they were therefore accustomed to this digital medium during the experience.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Seyed Javad Roudehchi Tabrizi, Amirmohammad Tavakolilati; Ferhan Kahvecier, Samar Goldouz

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