Effects of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Journalism
Artificial Intelligence, Journalism, MediaAbstract
For several years, the media have successfully integrated AI tools into their activities. According to the Higher Institute of Journalism Training, artificial intelligence technologies take care of 8 to 12% of journalists' daily tasks. This time saving is reallocated and contributes to increasing the quality and added value of the content offered by reporters and media. The arrival of artificial intelligence in the media has therefore necessarily triggered changes, whether in practices, in the very structure of these media, or even in the legal and ethical framework of the profession. As a result, this article analyzes the effects of artificial intelligence on the future of journalism. The hypothesis of the research is adapting and knowing the limits of these programs will also be an important step to ensure the proper development of these new technologies. In addition to the obvious legal and practical changes, it is from the training of future journalists that it will be necessary to act with the learning of new knowledge. By knowing the tool, it is logically easier to master it and avoid the unexpected. The current research was carried out with a descriptive and analytical method, and information was collected in the form of library and document studies, including books, specialized articles, and the Internet.
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