Investigating English Learning Classes in Kindergartens in Raparin Area
Kindergarten, English Classes, Environment, Raparin AreaAbstract
English language learning has become a necessity for today’s life everywhere around the world. People who started learning English in second language acquisition stated that starting to learn from the ages of 4-5 years old can make the learning much faster and easier and that means starting from kindergartens. This study is investigating English learning classes in kindergartens in the Raparin area to find out how the process of teaching English as a foreign language to Kurdish EFLs is carried out. And the sample size was 19 kindergarten English teachers for this study. This research focuses on four aspects which are setting of the classes, efficiency of the teachers, the curriculum and the method that are used by the teachers to teach their classes. Results showed that ELCs in kindergartens in Raparin area are suitable for a standard English language class, but the environment of the classrooms are not synchronized with the target language. In the matter of efficiency of the teachers, all the teachers have many years of experience and they have good knowledge about both ELT methods and child psychology.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Soran Abdullah, Sarwar Salih Hussein, Hawmand Abdulrahman Abdallah, Ali Zrar Sleman, Wllat Shorsh Hamza

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