The Dominance of LOTS in Summative Assessment: The Challenge of Improving HOTS in Indonesian Language Learning
High-Level Thinking Skills (HOTS), Low-Level Thinking Skills (LOTS), Culminating Evaluation, Indonesian Language, Assessment Tool DevelopmentAbstract
The competence of teachers in making test questions for students is very diverse. There are teachers who are able to make HOTS questions, there are teachers who are still using HOTS questions. HOTS questions are questions that measure students' level of critical thinking, for that we need to know how the teacher's competence in making HOTS questions so that students can measure their level of critical thinking in mastering the material taught. This study aims to describe the level of LOTS and HOTS questions made by teachers on formative and summative questions in Indonesian subjects. The participants in this study are junior high school Indonesian teachers in the Brebes area, Indonesia. This type of research is qualitative descriptive. The data and data source are Indonesian teachers in the Brebes area, Indonesia. The results of the study revealed the dominance of LOTS-based questions (Lower Order Thinking Skills) in summative assessment, which covered 66.9% of the total questions, while HOTS-based questions (Higher Order Thinking Skills) only reached 33.1%. The observed differences suggest that current learning assessment practices largely emphasize basic cognitive processes, such as memorization and comprehension, while neglecting the development of students' higher-order thinking skills, including analysis, evaluation, and creativity. For this, this imbalance reflects systemic challenges in assessment design, particularly the lack of comprehensive teacher training, as well as the scarcity of robust guidelines for structuring questions targeting Higher Level Thinking Skills (HOTS). In turn, these findings underscore that, there is a critical need for continuous professional development initiatives aimed at equipping teachers with skills in the assessment process.
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