Emotions of Elementary School Students Supported by Their Parents in Math Tasks: An Exploratory Study
Elementary School Students, Emotions, Parents, Math HomeworkAbstract
In this article, we explore the creation of math homework through the experiences of ten third-grade students. They shared their emotions related to the assistance received during assignments. The qualitative and exploratory research involved students selecting emotionally significant tasks for data collection. Semi-structured interviews gathered emotional information, and task functions were analyzed using theoretical frameworks. The Cognitive Structure of Emotions Theory (OCC Theory) identified emotional load, classifying results based on emotion characteristics. Findings indicate that students often express emotions tied to events, with outcomes influenced by family support, particularly from mothers and older siblings. Despite family assistance, emotions aren't solely linked to support but also to personal pride or self-reproach. Family presence during tasks acts as intrinsic motivation, fostering positive feelings. Conversely, parental absence due to time constraints emotionally impacts students negatively. The study highlights the complex interplay of emotions, family support, and academic engagement in elementary students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Margarita Solis-Jiménez, José Antonio Juárez-López, Irving Aarón Díaz-Espinoza

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