Intervention in Textual Comprehension of Mathematical Word Problems: A Case Study




Textual Comprehension, Difficulty, Situation Model, Word Problem, Secondary


Word Mathematical Problem solving involves a phase of Comprehension or construction of a Situational Model. This paper presents an intervention with a high school student who presented difficulties in the construction of situational models in Word Mathematical Problem Solving. A qualitative research with an instrumental case study design was developed to obtain a profile of the type of difficulties and to intervene by means of semi-structured interviews. The role of situation drawing and the use of concrete materials during the interviews as a strategy to encourage the construction of situation models is also reported.


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How to Cite

Toxtle-Colotl, A., Juárez-López, J. A., & García-González, M. del S. (2024). Intervention in Textual Comprehension of Mathematical Word Problems: A Case Study. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 4(2), 1–21.




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