Towards the Teaching Professionalisation: Perceived Impacts, by Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Ondo State, Nigeria
Teaching, Professionalisation, Perceive, Impact, Teacher, School, Secondary School, Public Secondary SchoolAbstract
Amid the increasing agitations for the professionalisation of teaching in Nigeria, to improve its status, this study investigated the perception of teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Ondo State, on the impacts of the likely professionalisation. Six (6) questions were raised, one hypothesis was formulated, and a cross-sectional survey design was adopted to guide the study. The main population consisted of the three hundred and six (306) Public Secondary Schools in the State while teachers in the schools constituted the target population. The sample consisted of fifteen (15) Public Secondary Schools and one hundred and fifty (150) teachers, selected through multi-stage, stratified, and simple-random sampling techniques. A structured and 15-item questionnaire was designed and used to gather data and information. Data were analyzed using percentage and mean statistics while the hypothesis was tested by chi-square statistic. Findings revealed among others that the professionalisation of teaching will help to improve: the commitment of teachers, the academic performance of students, and the standard of education, among others. No significant difference was found in the perception of male and female teachers, on the impacts of professionalisation of teaching. Based on the findings, the need to fully professionalise teaching in Nigeria arises, due to the associated benefits, and the need to recruit teachers for schools so as not to create a vacuum when the unqualified teachers eventually leave the profession is imperative.
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