Oral Corrective Feedback: Kurdish EFL Students’ Preferences and Attitudes
Oral Corrective Feedback, Kurdish EFL Learners’ Attitudes, Errors and MistakesAbstract
The present study aimed to assess the learners’ attitudes and preferences concerning the provision of Oral Corrective Feedback (OCF) for effective learning of a second language. The study utilized a sample of 51 Kurdish EFL undergraduates as respondents. For this purpose, the data were collected using an attitudinal questionnaire. Therefore, since the collected data were numeric, they were subjected to quantitative analysis. Then for a clearer understanding of the participants’ responses, the collected data were analyzed in percentage using SPSS. The findings figured out that most participants showed positive attitudes towards OCF and regarded it as an effective tool for better learning. It is also discovered that many of them prefer the teacher to provide the correction rather than self or peer correction. In terms of the timing, it is indicated that a significant number of participants chose to be corrected after they are being finished with the speech. Regarding the types of OCF, the study established that the participants were in preference of explicit correction rather than implicit strategies, which is surprising.
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