Willingness to Communicate, Big Five Personality Traits, And Empathy: How Are They Related?
Willingness to Communicate, Empathy, Big Five Personality TraitsAbstract
The present study aimed at investigating the relationships among willingness to communicate (WTC), big five personality traits, and empathy. To conduct the study, 302 intermediate learners were selected randomly from English language institutes in Mashhad, Iran. Three questionnaires of big five factor, willingness to communicate in a foreign language, and interpersonal reactivity index were administered in one session. Spearman correlation formula was employed to analyse the data. The findings revealed that WTC was slightly correlated with extraversion, openness, and agreeableness. Also, empathy was slightly correlated with extraversion, agreeableness, and WTC. Furthermore, a moderate correlation was found between empathy and neuroticism.
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