Pedagogical Strategies in Lesson Planning: An Assessment of Senior High Schools Accounting Teachers in Ghana


  • Leticia Bosu University of Cape Coast, Ghana



Accounting Teachers, Lesson Planning, Pedagogical Strategies, Teaching Learning Resources, Knowledge of Content


The study assessed Senior High Schools’ (SHSs) Accounting teachers’ pedagogical strategies in planning their lessons. A convergent parallel mixed method was employed, drawing samples from 60 SHSs, of which 81(12 interviewed) Accounting participated. The study revealed that teachers incorporated appropriate pedagogical strategies in planning lesson introductions. However, teachers do not write comprehensive lesson notes. Still, they have skeletal plans, and they did not incorporate appropriate Teaching Learning Resources (TLRs) in their lesson plans and activities to enhance their teaching/learning. Most of the lesson plans did not reflect on concepts that build students’ confidence in interpreting Accounting concepts/principles. The study suggests that incorporating TLRs and teaching/learning activities in a lesson plan should be emphasised.


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How to Cite

Bosu, L. (2022). Pedagogical Strategies in Lesson Planning: An Assessment of Senior High Schools Accounting Teachers in Ghana. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 2(3), 109–138.


