Mediation of Spiritual Intelligence between Psychological Capital and Academic Behaviours of College Students
Academic Behaviour, Existential Thinking, Resilience, Mediation, Structural EquationAbstract
The study was carried out to examine the mediation of spiritual intelligence between psychological capital and academic behaviour of college students. Spiritual intelligence included critical existential thinking, personal meaning production, transcendental awareness and conscious state expansion. Psychological capital included hope, self-efficacy, resilience, and optimism. Academic behaviour included academic engagement, perceived academic competence, learning strategies, and class room interaction. Participants were 120 randomly selected college students who responded to King’s Spiritual Intelligence Inventory, Luthan’s PsyCap Questionnaire, and Sia’s Academic Behaviour Scale. Correlational analyses of the data pointed out that all the attributes of spiritual intelligence has significant positive correlation with all the attributes of psychological capital and of academic behaviour. Confirmatory factor analyses were carried out for each attribute of spiritual intelligence and adequate model fits were obtained. The results revealed significant mediation effect of each attributes of spiritual intelligence between psychological capital and academic behaviour.
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