The Impact of Administrative Fines in Labor Law on Employment of Individuals with Disabilities: Perspectives of IŞKUR Employees
Administrative Fine, Disability, İŞKURAbstract
This study examines the effectiveness of administrative fines applied within the scope of employment law for the employment of individuals with disabilities under the Turkish Employment Agency (İŞKUR). The research is based on a qualitative design, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants working at the Tekirdağ İŞKUR Provincial Directorate. The data were analyzed using MAXQDA software, categorized into themes, and interpreted through coding methods. The findings reveal that the main obstacles to the employment of individuals with disabilities are the lack of information among employers, insufficient suitable job positions, and the complexity of administrative processes. These factors prevent employers from hiring individuals with disabilities. The study concludes that, in addition to legal regulations, raising awareness among employers, strengthening sectoral incentives, and enhancing public-private sector collaborations are necessary to increase the employment of individuals with disabilities.
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