Transforming Language Education Students' Research Skills through Research-Based Learning Innovation
Language Education, Research Skills, Research-based Learning, Educational Innovation, Student Skills TransformationAbstract
Several studies have shown that students face difficulties in conducting research and writing academic texts, resulting in delays in completing their studies. Meanwhile, national standard qualifications require students to publish their research results in reputable national journals. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reveal the stages of students' learning to conduct research, especially in designing, implementing, and disseminating research results using a research-based learning model. This study used a research design approach in three stages: preliminary design, learning experiment, and retrospective analysis. Within 6 months, a learning trajectory was used to improve the research skills of 12 PBSI students at Muhammadiyah Purworejo University. This was done by observing the activities of lecturers and students and documenting the final learning outcomes. The results showed that five of those who met the criteria for research skills could reach the stage of publication in a Google Scholar-indexed journal, two could reach the stage of writing a thesis, two could reach the proposal and seminar stages, and one could reach the stage of making a research proposal, and two were still in the research design stage. In addition, this study also describes the factors that cause the diversity of learning outcomes obtained by students, namely intelligence and literacy.
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