Measures to Curb Lack of Learning Interest among Secondary School Students in Entebbe Municipality, Uganda
Measures, Learning Interest, Student-Centered Approach, Secondary School, Parent Participation, Collaborative Education, Dropout Rate, Learners’ Retention, Coping with Learning StressorsAbstract
The study centered on the measures to curb lack of learning interest among secondary school students in Entebbe Municipality. Our method of investigation was both qualitative and quantitative approaches through a cross-sectional design with a sample size of 383 respondents. From the study findings, it validated 90% with a mean values above 3.0 (M =4.13, Std = 0.89) agreement that collaboration with schools and communities; implementation of student-centered approach, designing hands on activities that involves multiple sense, parents active participation in their child education and provision for economically disadvantaged students are possible solutions to curtail learners’ lack of interest. We recommend stakeholders to work collaboratively to strengthen and encourage students to value their education and see reasons to complete their studies. This can be implemented through multisectoral activities geared towards helping the students cope with learning stressors. For that reason, the implementation of these channels or measures aforementioned is every stakeholders business for learners’ retention and decrease of dropout rate in secondary schools to be effective and efficient.
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