Prevalence of Sexual Harassment of 9th-Grade Students in Basic School Education of Paraguay
Sexual Harassment, NSEEP, Socioeconomic Variables, Academic PerformanceAbstract
This study examines the prevalence of school sexual harassment among 9th-grade students in Paraguay, focusing on differences by sex, geographical area, socioeconomic status, type of educational institution, and academic performance in Guarani, Spanish, and mathematics. Using data from the National System for the Evaluation of the Educational Process (NSEEP), the researchers analyzed a sample of 90,742 students, representing 96% of the national population in that grade. The findings reveal unexpected patterns: higher rates of sexual harassment reports among males compared to females, private schools versus public ones, urban areas versus rural areas, and wealthier students versus those from lower economic strata. These counterintuitive results suggest a need for further research to explore the relationship between school sexual harassment and various contextual factors. The study also calls for qualitative, focused case studies to investigate sexual harassment across different grades in both primary and secondary education, with particular attention to geographic location, type of educational institution, and territorial organization.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Gerardo Armando Picón, Juan Pablo Gerardo Achar Rojas, Mariano Bareiro Soria, Isabel Espínola , Víctor Sanguina , Arturo Estigarribia

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