Construction of Digital Literacy Training System for Medical Students in the Age of Healthcare 4.0: Perspective of Educational Ecology
Healthcare 4.0, Ecology of Education, Medical Students, Digital Literacy, Training SystemAbstract
In the age of Healthcare 4.0, the deep integration of digital intelligent technology and medicine has put forward higher requirements for the digital literacy of medical students. Based on the literature review, this paper analyzes the current situation and deficiencies of digital literacy training in medical education: although most medical colleges have begun to attach great importance to digital technology education, there is a lack of systematic training programs and practice platforms. Based on this, guided by the theory of ecology of education, this paper focuses on four aspects of Collaboration between Hospitals and Universities, Policy support, Smart campus and Smart hospital at the macro level, five aspects of the training concept, Training mode, Evaluation mechanism, Teachers' digital literacy and Curriculum system at the meso level. At the micro level, there are mainly three functional entities, including the guidance and guarantee group, the transmission and development group, and the inheritance and pioneering group. These three entities, based on the macro and meso systems, promote the process of comprehensive improvement of medical students' digital literacy through the transmission of material flow, energy flow, and information flow (knowledge flow).
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