School Factors as Determinant of Reading Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students in Ogun State, Nigeria
Reading Achievement, School Factors, Reading, Comprehension, Relative Influence and PredictAbstract
The study explored the difference between school factors and achievement in reading comprehension. Two major instruments - questionnaire and achievement test in comprehension were used to elicit response from respondents. Data on the relevant variables are collected from 600 SSII students in Ijebu Ode Local Government, Ijebu Northeast Local Government and Ijebu East Local Government Areas, Ogun State, Nigeria to test two hypotheses. Data analysis involved using multiple regression analysis to test these hypotheses. The result shows that the combinations of school factors do not predict achievement in reading comprehension. The relative influence of each of the factors is also very low as only two out of the ten factors predict achievement in reading comprehension. This finding has implications for all stakeholders involved in secondary school education to help in salvaging the ugly trend of underachievement in reading comprehension among senior secondary school students in Nigeria in general.
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