Transformative Learning Experiences of Students from an Accredited U.S. Institution Participating in Short-Term Study Abroad Programs
Transformative Learning, Short-Term Study Abroad Programs, Accredited U.S. Institution, Traditional-Age Students, Content AnalysisAbstract
Few studies have explored whether any student transformative learning experiences occurred or may occur during short-term study abroad programs. Some scholars have even challenged the academic meaningfulness of U.S. short-term study abroad programs despite growing interest in such programs for the past decades. This study aimed to investigate the transformative learning experiences of traditional-age students from an accredited U.S. institution participating in short-term study abroad programs. The sample included traditional-age students selected on a voluntary basis from the four colleges (Business, Education and Human Services, Letters and Science, and Nursing) of a comprehensive university in northeast Wisconsin, U.S. All participants were interviewed before traveling for a faculty-led short-term study abroad program and after they returned. Reflective journals and a focus group complemented the data obtained from the individual interviews. Content analysis and constant comparison were used to conduct the analysis based on a transformative learning framework. Emerging themes and implications for international education in postsecondary institutions are discussed.
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