Head Teachers’ Leadership Competencies on School Management in Public Primary School: A Case of Ilemela District – Tanzania
Head Teachers, Leadership, Competence, Public Primary SchoolAbstract
The study aimed at examining the effects of school head teachers’ leadership competencies on school management in public primary schools in Ilemela District. The study has motivated by Katz Theory of Managerial Skills which was developed by Robert Kartz in 1974. This study intended to assess the factors that hinder school head teachers from using leadership competence in public primary. The study employed mixed research approach whereby convergent parallel design was used. Furthermore, the study used 104 respondents and data were collected through interview guide and questionnaire. The study considered all aspects of trustworthiness in qualitative research. Apart from that, the researcher used sampling techniques which were purposive, simple random and stratified sampling. Qualitative data were analysed and presented through thematic analysis while quantitative data were presented by using tables and charts. The findings revealed that public primary school head teachers’ leadership competencies employed in managing schools in Ilemela District were human relations and conceptual competencies. Additionally, the findings showed that head teachers had not been able to use technical competencies effectively in order to motivate teachers and assist them to improve their content knowledge and pedagogical skills. However, in order to improve their ability head teachers should be given training on managing schools, provision of seminars and workshops from time to time in order to sharpen their ability in managing schools. The study recommended that, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology should find strategies of improving the course on educational management and leadership to ensure that students complete their diploma and degrees in education with enough competencies on school management.
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