The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on B.C. Secondary School Students’ Schooling Experience: A Survey Inquiry and Thought Experiment
School Climate, COVID-19, Social Relationships in School, Peer Relationship, School ClosuresAbstract
Attending school in-person in the year 2020-2021 was a different experience for many secondary school students in British Columbia. Safety measures such as mask-wearing and reduced interpersonal interaction were introduced there and nationwide. We conducted exploratory research to understand B.C. secondary school students’ in-person schooling experience. Survey items polled the impact of COVID-19 at school and students’ perceptions of school climate. In a thought experiment, participants were randomly assigned to an improved COVID-19 scenario or a worsened COVID-19 scenario and asked to think about how their perceptions of school climate might change in that context. Results indicated a noticeable change in students’ perceptions of school life and elevated worry about COVID-19 safety while in school. In addition, there was a small statistically detectable correlation (r77 = -.29, p = .01) between participants’ perceptions of the impact of COVID-19 at school and perceptions of school climate. Results of the thought experiment showed COVID-19 effects on participants’ perceptions of school climate had a greater impact on perceptions of peer relationships than student-teacher relationships and school connectedness. This survey during the COVID-19 pandemic provided timely feedback and opinions from students about their in-person schooling experience during this unusual year.
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