Sociotechnical Systems in the 21st Century: An Analysis of Antecedents and Determinants from a Multivariate Perspective
Factors Affecting Sociotechnical Systems, Impact of Sociotechnical Systems on Society, Interaction of Society with Technology, Mechanism between Social and Technical SystemsAbstract
Through the application of social sciences theories, new socio-technical approaches to information systems seek to overcome traditional shortcomings. Identifying complex problems today requires a deeper understanding of how our lives, traditions, and institutions have become profoundly 'sociotechnical' at any level of human interaction. Flexibility and speed are the primary pillars of future analysis to ensure survival. A change in mindset is the first step towards transforming an organization, since in the future, organizations will need to find a balance between extremes. There will continue to be interest in socio-technical design in the future, and therefore, this field will adapt over time in order to meet the demands of ever-changing conditions. Regardless of changes in their organizational structures, organizations must remain committed to motivation. When implementing disruptive, more advanced technologies within an organization, both long and short-term considerations are required. Several findings of this paper indicate that any new technology can pose a significant disruption to an organization and society in general if not implemented properly. As a consequence, organizations should investigate new technologies from all angles within their organization. This paper presents a conceptual framework for engineering socio-technical systems that is required in order to integrate socio-technical considerations into existing technology research and development processes in a progressive manner. This study employs a qualitative approach to examine the antecedents and determinants of sociotechnical systems. A focus group discussion was conducted with 310 professionals from 40 organizations working in fields such as technology and society and managing sociotechnical systems in general. This discussion led to the recommendations and conclusions resulting from the study.
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