Observational Studies of Learners’ Impulse on Literacy and the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Changing World
Observational studies, Learners Impulse, Covid-19, Literacy, Changing WorldAbstract
This study investigated observational studies of learners’ impulses on the COVID-19 Pandemic and literacy in the changing world. The study adopted an observational research procedure of controlled observation methodology. Step one involves the researchers’ appearance in the classroom, seated with the students as teaching was going on in the classroom while the teachers were teaching and the researchers were observing and taking rigorous notes. The researchers were coding the data collected after the observation. The second step involved researchers’ observations on controlling the participants, location, study time, and other circumstances surrounding the research. The researchers ask questions, create codes and write a detailed report which classifies learners’ impulses into different categories. Participants were 240 students and four teachers teaching Basic Science and Mathematics in Junior Secondary class two (JSSII) which were randomly selected across the four Local Government areas in Ekiti States, Nigeria. The reliability was determined using the results of observation obtained by the co-researchers and this yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.75 at a 0,05 level of significance. The researchers analyzed using descriptive Analysis of frequent count and percentage of the observational learning impulses of students. Findings revealed that students have a positive learning impulse towards learning Basic Science and Mathematics during COVID-19 Pandemic and that the majority of the teachers treated the knowledge contents effectively despite the COVID-19 outbreak. The study also showed that systems adopted by the teachers contributed to the literacy level of students in a positive way. It was recommended that the learner’s impulse be maintained with good mastery of the subject matter regardless of environmental conditions. Teachers should always be ready to impact knowledge with effective teaching in the classroom. The planning strategy adopted by the teacher should determine the success acquired by students in the teaching and learning processes. It was also recommended that students should endeavour to work examples and perform better in the task assigned to them independently. Teachers should exhibit positive learning impulses towards teaching that can influence students learning impulses.
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