Effects of Design Thinking Interventions on Educational Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis
Design Thinking; K-12 Education; Higher Education, Meta-AnalysisAbstract
The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of Design Thinking interventions on educational outcomes through meta-analysis. Research questions are as follows. First, what is the overall effect size of Design Thinking interventions on educational outcomes? Second, what is the effect size of Design Thinking interventions according to categorical variables? The researcher selected 21 studies through a systematic literature review and extracted statistical information to allow calculation of the effect size. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Version 2 was used to conduct the overall analysis and moderator analyses. Results are as follows. First, the effect of Design Thinking interventions was 0.469 standard deviations, which had a moderate effect size and was educationally significant. Second, in subject areas, the results ranked in the order of computer 0.573, STEAM 0.544, science 0.502, engineering 0.487, education 0.361, liberal arts 0.342, health sciences 0.267, and English 0.073. Third, in school level, the results ranked in the order of secondary school 0.654, elementary school 0.535, and college 0.345. Fourth, for grade level, the effect size of combined 0.449 was larger than that of single-grade 0.331. Fifth, in the publication year category, the effect sizes of 2018~2022 0.488, 2012~2017 0.169 were in order. Sixth, for sample size, the effect sizes of 1-30 0.492, more than 30 0.369 were in order. The researchers discussed the results and provided suggestions for educators and researchers to implement Design Thinking in the future.
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