With High-Quality Online Learning Integrated into Campuses in Each Major Students Are Motivated to Earn Their Degrees, And Compensate for Emergencies
Growth Mindset, Online Learning, Educational Technology, Motivation, Retention, Student EnrollmentAbstract
Are there reasons why higher education institutions should incorporate online learning in each of their programs? Why should opportunities for online learning be considered in every program? In other words, what are the benefits or advantages of online learning for higher education institutions? The pandemic resulted in the closure of many college campuses, and as these institutions quickly shifted to online learning as a response to the crisis, the impact of this change on the motivation and retention of students has become an important topic of discussion. Online learning compensated for any limitations caused by pandemic conditions, and the unprecedented closure of many campuses that would normally maintain their students until graduation. Therefore, online learning programs should be sufficiently robust as a resource to encourage students to retain and gain their educational degrees regardless of their financial, social, and mental health conditions.
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