Teaching Mathematics at the Supplementary Schools in Lesotho: Teachers’ Perceived Benefits and Challenges
Supplementary School, Social Constructivism, Supplementing Students, Case StudyAbstract
The study investigates the perceived benefits and challenges of mathematics teachers when teaching mathematics at supplementary schools in Lesotho. The participants were five teachers from a supplementary school in the Berea district. Data were collected through the use of semi-structured interviews guide. The Social Constructivism Theory was used as a lens through which data were thematically analysed. The study’s findings have revealed that the teachers at the supplementary schools are having benefits, including, content revision, reduced workloads, good results, as well as full focus and concentration in class. On the other hand, the teachers are faced with some challenges; for instance, the teachers travel too late or too early for classes; there is insufficient time for teaching, lack of resources, teachers’ high turnover, low salaries and misbehaviour amongst the students. The results have further indicated that there are more perceived challenges in teaching the supplementary classes as compared to perceived benefits.
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