Attitudes of Schools and Parents toward Students with Learning Difficulties inside the Schools
Leaning Difficulties, Students with Learning Difficulties, Schools, Parents, AttitudesAbstract
We've been hearing a lot about students with learning difficulties in recent years. Some schools, as well as some parents, have refused to acknowledge this fact. Schools refused to allow students with learning difficulties in their classes, and parents refused to accept that their children had learning difficulties and needed assistance. Many students' hopes were lost as a result of such a mentality; they were lost and had no one to support and assist them. The aim of this Structured Literature Review is to investigate teachers’ and social attitudes toward students with learning difficulties. This research adopted articles to gather reliable data in order to conduct a survey of teachers', parents', and society's attitudes toward students with learning difficulties. It goes through the importance of attitudes, as well as the position of teachers, teaching methods, and specialized curriculum for students with learning difficulties. The results of this research were consistent with previous researches, which concluded that it is essential to adapt the learning background to meet the needs of students with various learning difficulties. Following good interventions would therefore contribute to the maintenance of positive attitudes, the improvement of learners' levels, and the assistance of teachers in dealing with them in a way that benefits them. At the conclusion of this research, it was suggested that further research be done into the factors that lead to the growth of positive attitudes.
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