The Effect of Metacognitive Strategies on Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Academic Achievement of University Students
Metacognition, Strategy, Self-efficacy, Motivation, Foreign Language TeachingAbstract
In this study, the effects of university students' metacognitive strategies on university students' self-efficacy, motivation and academic achievement were examined. In the 2019-2020 academic year, 354 university students who received preparatory education at Gazi University School of Foreign Languages participated in the study. Demographic information form, general self-efficacy scale and metacognition scale-30 were used as data collection tools. A path analysis model was developed and tested to examine the relationships between the variables in the study. In the tested model, it was observed that self-efficacy affects academic achievement in reading classes both directly and indirectly in a positive way. It has been observed that motivation indirectly affects the academic performance of students positively through metacognition. It was determined that the most influential variable on academic achievement was self-efficacy, followed by the metacognitive variable. In addition, the results obtained based on theoretical explanations were discussed and some suggestions were presented to improve the academic performance of university students.
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