Language Theses and Dissertation Landscapes: An Analysis of Research Analyses
Content Analysis, Systematic Review, Language Research, Theses, Dissertations, Research FeaturesAbstract
Content analysis of language research is one of the very widely researched topics worldwide. However, in the Philippine context, few studies and systematic reviews on the content analysis of language theses and dissertations are published. The current study examined the features of 25 studies that looked at the content of language theses and dissertations published from 2016 to 2021. Thematic focus, study design, data analysis methodologies, and research outcomes were all investigated. The findings show that research trends, research parts, rhetorical structures, and linguistic structures are the most commonly discussed topics. Content analysis is the most widely used methodology and data analysis approach. It is worth noting that only one of the reviewed studies produced a research output. Recommended topics and areas for future language research are offered.
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