The Mathematics Teaching Performance of Scholar Education Graduates in Selected Public Schools in the Philippines: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Method Study
Teaching Performance, Teachers’ Experiences, Scholars’ Performance, Public School Teachers, Mathematics Teachers, Education GraduatesAbstract
This explanatory sequential mixed method study aimed to determine the mathematics teaching performance of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) major in Mathematics scholar education graduates for the period 2010-2015 of a certain state university in Western Visayas region in the Philippines. Eight BSEd major in Mathematics scholar education graduates and their eight department heads were included in the study purposively. The researcher adopted the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) tool of the Department of Education (DepEd) and utilized interview guide and observation guide as data gathering instruments. Moreover, the statistical tools used were mean and standard deviation to analyze and interpret quantitative data. On the other hand, thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data. The study revealed that the overall performance of the scholar education graduates was very satisfactory. Moreover, the scholar graduates manifested the following in their teaching performance: a) content knowledge and relevance through mastery of the content; b) instructional strategies by using game-based strategy; c) learning activities and instructional materials by using ICT-based instructional materials; d) lesson organization and presentation by using 4A’s Model and DepEd’s format in lesson planning; e) classroom management by imposing rules and practicing routines; and f) evaluation by using authentic assessment. This shows that the scholar graduates have discovered new teaching strategies, different ways of teaching mathematics, used innovative materials and assessed students in various means not just to make themselves productive and excellent in mathematics education but to achieve quality learning for the students. It’s only then that teaching becomes rewarding.
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