Development and Validation of a Stress Measurement Scale with the Prospective Teachers of West Bengal, India
Development, Prospective Teacher, Stress Scale, ValidationAbstract
Mental stress among prospective teachers in teacher education is a significant concern. They face academic pressures, professional expectations, and personal commitments, which can impact their psychological well-being. Thus, it is imperative to develop a validated stress measuring tool in order to assess the stress levels of prospective teachers in West Bengal, India. Developing a stress scale for assessing prospective teachers' mental stress levels was the aim of the present study. In order to gather the data, fifty (50) prospective teachers from West Bengal, India were given a self-administered version of the twenty-eight (28) item mental stress scale. After the data was collected, item analysis was performed on the stress scale to eliminate the poor items. After that, the internal consistency of the final scale was assessed using the 237 participants (prospective teachers) in the Cronbach's alpha method. After item analysis, the scale had 25 items left on it, covering the five mental stress scale sub-dimensions (Working Conditions, Role ambiguity & conflict, Responsibility, Relationship and Organizational Climate). A high degree of statistically significant correlation was found in the scale's final iteration, with alpha values of 0.939. Based on the results, researchers and educators can effectively assess the psychological stress level of prospective teachers by using the Stress Scale. The development and validation of a stress measuring instrument specifically designed for the prospective teachers of West Bengal is a significant advancement in educational research and practice.
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