Students’ Perception and Satisfaction of Google Classroom as Instructional Medium for Teaching and Learning
Google Classroom, students’ perception and satisfaction, flexible learning, teaching and learningAbstract
The global crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic paved the way for a new normal. As a result, the higher education system has opted for a delivery model based on flexible learning. To help with the implementation of flexible learning, Google Classroom was used. Google Classroom, as learning management system, is part of the online Google Apps for Education suite of productivity applications for teachers and students in flexible learning. The goal of this study is to assess the perception and satisfaction of college education students on Google Classroom as a teaching and learning tool. This research employed a descriptive method, with the students responding to an online survey questionnaire. The sample for this study was drawn using stratified random sampling and Slovins' formula was used to determine the number of samples drawn from the total population, which consisted of 321 students enrolled during the first semester of the school year 2021–2022. In order to answer research questions frequency count, average, percentile, and inferential statistics such as the independent-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were used. The findings from the survey showed that majority of the college education students agreed that Google Classroom is easy to access, useful, supports communication and interaction and instruction delivery in flexible learning. When asked about their level of satisfaction, the respondents were very satisfied with the Google Classroom as instructional medium for teaching and learning. Moreover, results revealed that Google Classroom supports flexible language learning through the following: (a) assists them in completing their assignments on time; (b) helps them to be interactive in participating and engaging in fruitful discussion; and (c) motivates students to manage time. Therefore, it occurs that Google Classroom, as an educational interactive tool, has the potential to contribute to the effective delivery of flexible language teaching and learning. Furthermore, an independent sample t-test revealed that there is no statistically significant difference of the respondents’ perceptions on the utilization of Google Classroom when grouped according to their profile. In addition, one-way Anova analysis of the data revealed no statistically significant differences in student perceptions and satisfaction when classified by profile. On the other hand, when the respondents' courses are taken into consideration, there is a statistically significant difference in their satisfaction with Google Classroom. This study concludes that Google Classroom as instructional medium for teaching and learning contributes to effective flexible learning. It is recommended that professional development and capacity-building programs in college majors and courses should be tailored to the current teaching and learning environment and also to help the transition into other learning management systems used in higher education, undergraduate students should be exposed to free web-based learning applications like Google Classroom.
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