An Assessment of the Impact of Globalization on the Development of the Education System in Nigeria
Globalization, Education System, Development, Nigeria, AssessmentAbstract
The world is a global village. Nigeria as a member of the global community cannot be isolated from globalization, which has contributed to her development and that of several nations. The demand for leverage on globalization for competitive advantage is a challenge that can be felt in all sectors of the Nigerian society, including education. This study investigated the impact of globalization on educational development in Nigeria. To achieve the intended purpose, four research questions and four corresponding hypotheses were formulated. Validated self-structured questionnaire with test-re-test reliability of ‘r’ = 0.87 was administered on the study sample. A total of 110 respondents were randomly selected from the study population, which comprised students of Abrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria. Findings of the study revealed that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) globalization has improved the teaching and learning process, enhanced access to education, improved the quality of educational administration and increased access to foreign aids or intervention funds. The study recommended improved funding, provision of up-to-date facilities and employment of more professionals to plan the education system in line with contemporary global demands for optimal impact of globalization on Nigeria’s education system.
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