Exploring the Interest of Bachelor of Physical Education Students in Online Learning: A Case Study


  • Merry Cris Macasling Saint Columban College, Philippines
  • Vanessa Glynn Luar Saint Columban College, Philippines
  • Muammar M Alap Saint Columban College, Philippines
  • Mary Grace Cabalse Saint Columban College, Philippines
  • Alfer Jann Tantog Saint Columban College, Philippines
  • Mario F Alayon Saint Columban College, Philippines




Bachelor of Physical Education Program, Interest, Experiences, Challenges, Online Learning, Internet Connection


The purpose of this study was to describe the interests in online learning of college students enrolled in the Saint Columban College Bachelor of Physical Education program. The primary tool for acquiring data on BPEd students' interest in online learning in their major subjects was an interview with interview guide questions. The experiences of college students with online learning were evaluated using a descriptive case study method. This study included fifteen (15) college students studying Bachelor of Physical Education at Saint Columban College's College of Teachers Education Arts and Sciences. The information gathered was examined using thematic analysis. Skills and passion are important findings that drive them to enroll in online classes in their major subjects. The majority of the students' significant experiences gathered over the BPEd courses online classes were in Video Editing and Performing. Furthermore, due to their desire to complete the BPEd course, the students became interested in joining virtual classes. Moreover, the BPEd students' main challenges were related to the internet connection, which was often poor or unavailable, which they handled through time management.


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How to Cite

Macasling, M. C., Luar, V. G., Alap, M. M., Cabalse, M. G., Tantog, A. J., & Alayon, M. F. (2023). Exploring the Interest of Bachelor of Physical Education Students in Online Learning: A Case Study. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 3(1), 163–175. https://doi.org/10.53103/cjess.v3i1.125




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